Faq's topics: hierarchy - trade - mambas conflicts
What are the different 'rank' in Jang'ka, and the role of each of them ?
- Inkosis: The great Chief of the camp ! They're selected from Akicita and, in general, they're the strongest.
- Sangoma : He presents himself as the intermediary or the intercessor between man and the spirits of nature. The shaman is both wise, therapist, counselor and seer. It is the initiate or the custodian of culture, beliefs, practices of shamanism, and a potential form of cultural secrecy. They wear ornaments and practice in secret. Sangoma can be a man or a woman.
- Akicita: Its a fighter, male. The backbone and the blood of tribe. The one who need protect, no matter the cost. This warrior form the first line on a battlefield. It submits to a person's leaders, it is part of alphas including designated leaders. Only Inkosis have authority over him. It has the ability to lead a troop in battle, the lower guide and manage a challenge in the absence of the leaders. The rank of akicita is only accessible to men.
- Mwana: The former and old women of the camps. She must know and enforce rules among women. She teaches them how to relate to men, and advise as needed. She is the guide. It is that which finally surrounds his knowledge all women. She is the mother, so she has some knowledge. It is ultimately she who goes a bit educate young people and to understand the Jang'ka culture, sex talk, also share knowledge on women's daily tasks, cooking, camp care, art and necklaces. She learns how to tan a hide, how to sew, how to please a man !
- Hunter: They hunt wild animals to feed their tribe. Although not a raid leader, it can help Akicitas in the battlefields. It uses the environment to his advantage and knows how to use tactics and skill to achieve his ends. Tricky, Hunter sees the deep jungle as their playground. The hunter wears bows and melee weapons. He must show respect for Akicitas, and equal to the rank healers, traders, slavers and farmers. Gradually, he has to train to become the best in the spear and bow. Many games between hunters and Akicitas to determine their strength. It also protects the camp from attack, monitors the jungle and can capture every intruders invading their hunting ground.
- Inyanga: The mamba is there to cure and heal the sick wild or conduct medical examinations on all members. It is subordinate to the shamans and akicitas but their use deserves a lot of respect for them. Their primary role is to ensure the health of every wild by conducting medical examinations, and provide the necessary care. Ensure that the reserves have what they need plants, herbs and various drugs. Men and women can apply for this position.
- Wanawake: The free woman from the camp. Not a slave, she has the right to respect as long as they respect the men. In case of disrespect for a man of his tribe, the latter has the right to hit it as far as reasonable. It may officially unite with Jang'ka man, becoming his partner and takes care of the meals for the entire tribe. They can help in case of refusal of a raid unless Akicita, but can't go alone raid.
- Pledge: The new accepted in the camps, who has still to learn and discover our civilization. Someone to guide and advise if the need arises.
- Feral: Straight out of the jungle, he never saw human. He grew up among animals, does not know or speak its language is very limited. He knows nothing about civilization. Role accessible to women and men.
- Inahan: A slave. The inahan is permitted to carry weapons of slaves. Its tasks are multiple: it can defend the camps, if they're allowed by other free member. The role of Inahan is open to men and women.
- Imani: The invited in passage in the Jang'ka, tolerated or the "waiting can become Pledge".
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Jangka's graphical representation of the hierarchy. |
Who handles the trades ? Is there a difference for trades of goods and those for the captivity ?
When it comes to commercial trade for any goods such as food, raw materials (furs, stones, ...) or any other useful object to camp life, it is usually the women s' in charge. The M'wanas and Wanawake are able to lead this kind of exchange between tribes and even some cities. The men, of course, also involved in these trades.
By cons, when it comes to a military trade where one usually talks captive exchange, weapons, temporary truces or just an alliance with another tribe; only men will be allowed to direct them. Inkosis, or Akicitas Hunters are able males make such decisions. Generally, the senior will do. If no male present, it will be the M'wana or other highly placed female who will take the information ... but not a decision!
There's there any wars among Mambas ? Fighting between tribes like in cities or are they all allies ?
Many things can cause a conflict between wild, as in people of city. Obviously mambas tribes are on bad terms, sometimes to heavy fighting. But, they are able to put aside their differences to help a tribe in peril facing city of men. It is not a question of an alliance, strictly speaking, but rather say that it is a support to protect an entire civilization.
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